Cute little house

Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 + 4.5-6.3/25-150 + Fnac APS 400 film(expired)

Wall & lane, ZNV

Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 + 4.5-6.3/25-150 + Fnac APS 400 film(expired)

Night market in the morning

Night Market at Dawn: After closing, when the sunlight shines, everything returns to a deserted calmness. The hustle and bustle will resume in 12 hours. 曙光下的夜市:收攤後,當陽光照下,一切歸於了無人煙地平靜。喧鬧將在12小時後再度開始。 Agfa Optima Sensor 335 + Kodak Gold 100 (expired)

A small path of ZNV

Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 + 4.5-6.3/25-150 + Fnac APS 400 film(expired)

Two-story dormitory, ZNV

This is a two-story dormitory with two units on each floor. The entrance and exit for each floor are on different sides. The two units on the upper floor share a staircase. The dormitory is complemented by a courtyard, roadside trees, tiled roofs, and colorful painted walls. 這是上下四戶雙層的宿舍,上下層的出入口不同邊。上層兩戶共用樓梯。搭配庭院,路樹、瓦頂和彩繪牆面。 Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 + 4.5-6.3/25-150 +…