Sonnet for Cats in Unblossomed Hours

The mock orange thicket cradles tabby riddles,Noon spills shadows into ambered syrup slow—Two fur-worlds dissolve their claws in sunlit griddle,Whiskers trawl tides where spring’s green currents flow. Leaf-drunk coins chime through chlorophyll cracks,Their purr-rhythm measures gaps in light’s thin blade,A roll crushes cicada-song to specks—Dream-mist seeps from eyelids’ quivering charade. Wind tiptoes, riffles seven leaf-secrets…

In the Shadow of a Vanished Sun

I still stand here,As the sudden overcast descends,The warmth of sunlight vanishes with the cold breeze.My heart, like warmth swiftly drawn away,Is left with only an empty wait. Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)

The Unyielding Plum Blossoms

Plum blossoms, plum blossoms fill the land, The colder it gets, the more they expand. Olympus E-1 + Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 4/80-200 T* (contax version)

A Dreamer’s Feast / 夢中豪宴

Warm sunlight on the stairs, a tender embrace,In dreams, flavors once more find their place.Taste buds indulged in an empty display;Back to sleep, to dream anew another taste. 樓梯日暖似撫慰,夢中再現皆美味,虛綻味蕾空一場;埋頭再睡續前緣。 Olympus E-1 + Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 4/80-200 T* (contax version)

The Silent Passage of Time / 時光流淌

The eternal landscape and the quietly fading shadows,Are the mysteries of time, bearing witness to the relentless march of years.The laughter that once filled the air now seems frozen in time,While the afternoon sun still warms, yet remains silent. 那永恆的風景與悄然退去的人影,是時間的奧秘與見證著歲月無情,那曾經的笑語彷彿凝固在時光中;是午後的陽光依然溫暖又卻不語。 Hasselblad 501cm + Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar 4/120 T* + Kodak Gold 200

Echoes of a Red Door / 朱門叨絮

The cold wind softly stirs a quiet longing,Light and shadow hum with tender dreams,The world outside still waiting for its calm,A lonely door stands, watching over what comes next. 冷風輕撫些許期待,光影溫柔希望醒來 ,里鄰可曾落定塵埃?孤門獨自守望未來。 Olympus E-1 + ZD 3.5-4.5/40-150