25 years from Dial-Up to Gigabit: A Ballad of Bandwidth

In days of yore, when modems screeched and groaned,And dial-up’s pace was painfully slow,We’d wait for images to load, bemoaned,As kilobits trickled, to and fro. Fifty-six Kbps, a meager stream,Yet it opened worlds, once vast and far,Email and chat, a digital dream,Though downloads crawled, like snails in tar. DSL and cable, a quantum leap,Megabytes surged,…

A Rural Idyll

Amidst the verdant fields, where crops sway tall,A humble house, with rustic charm, stands small.Nestled ‘neath trees, their branches reaching high,A symphony of nature, ‘neath the azure sky. The road, a ribbon, cuts through verdant land,Connecting lives, with an invisible hand.Vehicles traverse, with measured, gentle pace,Respecting nature’s tranquil, verdant space. Man and nature, in harmony…

Rustic red door / Porta rubra

Rustic red door, old and iron-wrought,In the countryside, long and deep shadows cast.A symbol of hope and of the past,A reminder of the future. Porta rubra, vetusta, et ferruginea,In agro sita, umbra longa et profunda.Symbolum spei et praeteriti,Futuri monimentum. Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)

Taiwan Provincialis Government Emblemata

Olim in Zhongxing Novo Villano,Sedes erat provinciae gubernationis,Nunc ruinosa et deserta,Causa suspiriorum. Olim florens, nunc praeteritum,Olim splendida, nunc in pulverem redacta. Aedificia olim, nunc decolorata,Statuae olim, nunc pulvere obductae. Promissa olim, nunc dispersa,Idealia olim, nunc deleta. Zhongxing Novum Villanum,Olim sedes gubernationis provinciae Taiwani,Nunc ruinae, frangentes cor. Olympus E-500 + ZD 3.5-4.5/40-150


Dans l’ombre des souvenirs, je me perds,Parmi les murs de pierre de mon passé.Chaque fenêtre, un écho de rires éteints,Chaque porte, un adieu que je retiens. Les feuilles tombent, comme mes années d’or,Sur les chemins où jadis mon cœur s’envolait.L’air est rempli du parfum des jours morts,Et dans mon âme, un chagrin s’est installé. Je…

Carmen de Villa Nova Zhongxing / Ballad of Zhongxing New Village

Porta rubra, vexillum ROC,Symbola sunt historiae.Domus vetus, memoria viva,Temporis praeteriti vestigia. Incolae veniunt et eunt,Vitae flumen perennis.Sed porta rubra et vexillum ROC,Manent semper, testes fideles. Memoriae tenemus eorum,Qui in hac villa habitabant.Et eorum qui pro patria pugnaverunt,Ut libertatem nostram defenderent. Porta rubra et vexillum ROC,Sunt signa spei et futuri.Nos meminimus praeteriti,Et ad futurum progredimur. Red…