In the Shadow of a Vanished Sun

I still stand here,As the sudden overcast descends,The warmth of sunlight vanishes with the cold breeze.My heart, like warmth swiftly drawn away,Is left with only an empty wait. Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)

The Silent Passage of Time / 時光流淌

The eternal landscape and the quietly fading shadows,Are the mysteries of time, bearing witness to the relentless march of years.The laughter that once filled the air now seems frozen in time,While the afternoon sun still warms, yet remains silent. 那永恆的風景與悄然退去的人影,是時間的奧秘與見證著歲月無情,那曾經的笑語彷彿凝固在時光中;是午後的陽光依然溫暖又卻不語。 Hasselblad 501cm + Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar 4/120 T* + Kodak Gold 200

Silent Resilience / 默韌

Decaying life winds around forgotten songs,Fungal roots burrow deep in silent pasts.The shadows of old days spread like a curse,Tiny lives quietly persist, reborn anew. 腐朽的生命纏繞著遺忘的歌,菌絲的根在過去無言的深深,舊日的陰霾彷彿蔓延的詛咒;微小的生命靜默堅持的新生。 Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)

Before the Second Rice Crop

Furrows crisscross, muddied trails they make,Water glistens, earth with fragrance wakes.Distant mountains veiled in misty haze,Emerald fields reflect the sky’s soft gaze. 阡陌縱橫劃泥濘,水光粼粼土芬芳,遠山含黛煙裊裊,土地蒼翠映碧空。 Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)

Double moon festival

屋頂白球懸,月明在半天;何來幻真假?誰曰信眼前。 Atop the roof, a white orb hangs,The moon shines brightly in the sky;How to distinguish truth from illusion?Who can say what’s real before our eyes? Agfa Optima Sensor 335 + Kodak Gold 100 (expired)

A Tranquil Corner in the Village

Crimson gates embrace the light,Trees stand guard, day and night. Greenery flourishes, a vibrant sight,Windows like eyes, filled with insight. 朱門迎光,樹守護;綠意盎然,窗如目。 Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)