Green vitality

陽光穿透映活力,綠葉展如翡翠玉,花香鳥語盪林間,靜靜佇立盎生機。 Sunlight filters, life imbued,Emerald leaves, like jade renewed,Blossoms scent, birdsong fills the wood,Serene it stands, vigor untold. Olympus OM-D EM-5III + ZD 4.0-5.6/70-300 ED

Bodhi trees dancing shades

陽光歡快舞動樹影,菩提低語過往傳奇。Sunlight frolics through the dancing shade,While the Bodhi tree whispers legends of the past. Hasselblad 501cm + Carl Zeiss Distagon 3.5/60 T* + Kodak Ektar 100

Path near home

In village nook, where houses line the lane,Sunlight and leaves, a tranquil afternoon refrain.Decades have passed, yet paths remain serene,As golden hour approaches, a radiant scene. 村中角落與巷底的房,陽光與綠葉的午後聲響,數十年路過的小徑清幽,和即將到來的黃金時光。 Hasselblad 501cm + Carl Zeiss Distagon 3.5/60 T* + Kodak Ektar 100

Irrigation canal on special bridge

Upon this bridge of arched design,A waterway, by man defined,Carries life in liquid lines,Through verdant fields, it gently winds. A scarlet arch, so bold and bright,Stands against the green’s soft light,A conduit ‘twixt earth and sky,Where water flows, and dreams may lie. Beneath, the world in silence waits,For nourishment that life creates,This bridge, a lifeline…

Ad Murum Viridem / To the Green Wall

O murus viridis, aetate verna renatus,Quam pulchra es, quam plena vitae et spei!Folia tua tenera, vento mota,Susurrant canticum vitae incertae. Sed sub pulchritudine tua,Latet vis destructiva.Radices tuae fortes,Murum lapideum penetrant. Sicut vita, sicut bellum,Es tu pulchra et terribilis.Es tu symbolum spei et destructionis,Vitae incertae in mundo incerto. O murus viridis,Memento mori.Memento belli.Memento vitae incertae. O…

Arbor, ZNV

Arbor alta et viridis,Folia virida et luxuriosa,Rami longi et tenues,Sol per folia lucens,Caelum caeleste et clarum. Arbor est vitae symbolum,Est monimentum quod etiam in tenebris temporibus,Est pulchritudo invenienda.Arbor est spei symbolum,Est monimentum quod semper est tempus pro novo initio.Arbor est amoris symbolum,Est monimentum quod amor semper vincit. Arbor est vita,Arbor est spes,Arbor est amor. Agfa…