Pont de l’été 2024

Un nuage doux flotte mollement,Le soleil d’été s’étend,Les routes du monde s’étirent et tournent ;Un bleu flou s’étend. 朵雲閒悠綿軟,夏日陽光伸展,世間道路延彎;一片模糊蔚藍。 Contax 137MA + Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 3.5/40-80 T* + Orwo Wolfen NC500

Peaceful ears of rice

Golden grains, bowed low,Sated and sweet.Sun-kissed, dew-drenched,A gentle caress.Fragrance of the earth,A tranquil scene.Nature’s grace,Eternal peace. 稻穗低垂,粒粒飽滿;微風輕拂、陽光雨露;徐徐芬芳、沁人心脾;感謝自然,穗穗平安。 Contax 137MA + Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 3.5/40-80 T* + Orwo Wolfen NC500