Gentle crescent, moon of 12th, Oct, 2024

Crescent moon hangs high, a hook in the sky,Three parts missing, four parts bright.Waxing and waning, endlessly,May this crescent moon bring peace and light. Olympus OM-D EM-5III + ZD 4.0-5.6/70-300 ED

Autumn cat

Free and full of grace,Bring the season’s magic to this place. Olympus E-1 + ZD 3.5-4.5/40-150

Green vitality

陽光穿透映活力,綠葉展如翡翠玉,花香鳥語盪林間,靜靜佇立盎生機。 Sunlight filters, life imbued,Emerald leaves, like jade renewed,Blossoms scent, birdsong fills the wood,Serene it stands, vigor untold. Olympus OM-D EM-5III + ZD 4.0-5.6/70-300 ED