Autumn cat

Free and full of grace,Bring the season’s magic to this place. Olympus E-1 + ZD 3.5-4.5/40-150

Green vitality

陽光穿透映活力,綠葉展如翡翠玉,花香鳥語盪林間,靜靜佇立盎生機。 Sunlight filters, life imbued,Emerald leaves, like jade renewed,Blossoms scent, birdsong fills the wood,Serene it stands, vigor untold. Olympus OM-D EM-5III + ZD 4.0-5.6/70-300 ED

Cat under mango tree

Beneath the sun’s warm gaze, a mango tree,Adorned with fruit, yet green, not ripe to be.A curious cat, with eyes of emerald gleam,Paces around, drawn by a distant dream. The mango’s skin, a canvas of vibrant hue,Unblemished, firm, yet holding secrets true.The cat’s desire, like flames that fiercely burn,Yearns for the taste, the sweetness it…

Whisper of an orange door

In the hush of another afternoon’s glow,An orange gate stands, a memory’s echo.Once opened wide, now firmly closed,A rural tale, in silence posed. The sun casts shadows, long and lean,On the rustic path, a tranquil scene.The house stands empty, the owner gone,Yet the gate remains, a legacy drawn. It whispers stories of laughter and tears,Of…