Qinhuai River

By Qinhuai’s banks, the sunset’s glow,A traveler returns, emotions flow.The old bridge spans the rippling tide,Ancient homes in verse, side by side. Time flies swift, and we grow old,Yet the river stays, and the bridge holds.In sighs, past memories arise,Homeland’s vista, forever in my eyes. Sony Ilce-7 + Minolta 4/35-70 (with LA-EA4 adapter)

Roses & Chinese cabbage

Photos for download on Shutterstock & Pixta. Just click each links on image for the resource, thanks.Stocks on Image Coffee Lite: Click Here.

25 years from Dial-Up to Gigabit: A Ballad of Bandwidth

In days of yore, when modems screeched and groaned,And dial-up’s pace was painfully slow,We’d wait for images to load, bemoaned,As kilobits trickled, to and fro. Fifty-six Kbps, a meager stream,Yet it opened worlds, once vast and far,Email and chat, a digital dream,Though downloads crawled, like snails in tar. DSL and cable, a quantum leap,Megabytes surged,…


Dans l’ombre des souvenirs, je me perds,Parmi les murs de pierre de mon passé.Chaque fenêtre, un écho de rires éteints,Chaque porte, un adieu que je retiens. Les feuilles tombent, comme mes années d’or,Sur les chemins où jadis mon cœur s’envolait.L’air est rempli du parfum des jours morts,Et dans mon âme, un chagrin s’est installé. Je…

Carmina coffeae

Coffeae grana, mensae super sita,Vitam significant, spemque pariter.Aqua in vitro, vitae fons et origo,Communicationem cella repraesentat. Grana nigra, robusta, plena potentialis,Sicut vita ipsa, in perpetua evolutione.Aqua clara, pura, simplex,Sicut spes, quae nos semper sustentat. Cella, instrumentum communicationis,Nos cum mundo connectit,Et nos ad alios aperit.Sicut vita, spes, et communicatio,Inter se connexae sunt,Et nos ad plenum vivere…

No topo do Monte Guanyin

Olhando o rio Danshui, tão distante,E a cidade, com seu eterno fluir.O sol se põe, pintando o céu de ouro,Refletindo no rio, um espelho a brilhar.No topo do Monte Guanyin, eu estou,Em paz, observando o entardecer chegar. Sony Ilce-7 + Carl Zeiss Planar 1.4/50 (contax version)