Au vert du village: ZNV

Zhong Xing New Village, Nantou Киев 60 + Вега 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns Kiev 60 + Vega 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns

Good Morning Pacific, Good Morning Taiwan

It’s a whole new day with sunrise on Pacific. I was standing on the balcony looking at the mountains and the beach, Qixingtan, Hualien. Киев 60 + Вега 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns Kiev 60 + Vega 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns

Black Hole, 2015

While checking my files in the hard disks, I am sure I found the secrets of universe in 2015.

The Lanes & Cats

Always feels good to see them around old houses & lanes. Agfa Optima Sensor 1035 + Kodak Colorplus 200 Canon EOS Kiss + Mir-20 3.5/20 + Kodak Gold 100 (expired)