Autumn cat

Free and full of grace,Bring the season’s magic to this place. Olympus E-1 + ZD 3.5-4.5/40-150

After typhoon

After the typhoon, fallen petals drift like a scene from a dream.This sight envelops us, inviting us to feel both life’s fragility and its beauty. Olympus E-1 + Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2.8/135 T* (contax version)

Cat under mango tree

Beneath the sun’s warm gaze, a mango tree,Adorned with fruit, yet green, not ripe to be.A curious cat, with eyes of emerald gleam,Paces around, drawn by a distant dream. The mango’s skin, a canvas of vibrant hue,Unblemished, firm, yet holding secrets true.The cat’s desire, like flames that fiercely burn,Yearns for the taste, the sweetness it…

Roses & Chinese cabbage

Photos for download on Shutterstock & Pixta. Just click each links on image for the resource, thanks.Stocks on Image Coffee Lite: Click Here.

Ad Rosas Rubras et Flavas

In horto, duo flores splendidi surgunt,Rubra et flavida, pulchra et fragrantia.Una rosa rubra, fervens et ardens,Alteram sequitur, lutea et serena. Rubra rosa, amoris flamma flagrans,In diebus aureis, cor meum tenebat.Sed subito, ventus tristis eam rapuit,Et in silentio, amor meus evanuit. Flava rosa, ut sol, iterum oritur,Perditum cor meum, dulce revocans.Amor, tamquam phoenix, resurgit ex cinere,Et…