Ad Rosas Rubras et Flavas

In horto, duo flores splendidi surgunt,Rubra et flavida, pulchra et fragrantia.Una rosa rubra, fervens et ardens,Alteram sequitur, lutea et serena. Rubra rosa, amoris flamma flagrans,In diebus aureis, cor meum tenebat.Sed subito, ventus tristis eam rapuit,Et in silentio, amor meus evanuit. Flava rosa, ut sol, iterum oritur,Perditum cor meum, dulce revocans.Amor, tamquam phoenix, resurgit ex cinere,Et…

A walk after dinner

As the sun sets after dinner, taking a leisurely stroll fills my heart with tranquility and joy. The golden rays paint the sky with hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the surroundings. The gentle breeze carries the aroma of blooming flowers and the distant sound of laughter. With each step, the…