A terrible day of MRT

After a decade past, on Taichung’s line,A day of dread, stars misalign.In MRT’s heart, beneath city’s bustle,An eerie event, set to rustle. A coincidence, strange and untold,In the rail’s depths, secrets unfold.A terrible day, etched in lore,Echoes of a time from before. Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)

A Rural Idyll

Amidst the verdant fields, where crops sway tall,A humble house, with rustic charm, stands small.Nestled ‘neath trees, their branches reaching high,A symphony of nature, ‘neath the azure sky. The road, a ribbon, cuts through verdant land,Connecting lives, with an invisible hand.Vehicles traverse, with measured, gentle pace,Respecting nature’s tranquil, verdant space. Man and nature, in harmony…

Rustic red door / Porta rubra

Rustic red door, old and iron-wrought,In the countryside, long and deep shadows cast.A symbol of hope and of the past,A reminder of the future. Porta rubra, vetusta, et ferruginea,In agro sita, umbra longa et profunda.Symbolum spei et praeteriti,Futuri monimentum. Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)

Carmen de Villa Nova Zhongxing / Ballad of Zhongxing New Village

Porta rubra, vexillum ROC,Symbola sunt historiae.Domus vetus, memoria viva,Temporis praeteriti vestigia. Incolae veniunt et eunt,Vitae flumen perennis.Sed porta rubra et vexillum ROC,Manent semper, testes fideles. Memoriae tenemus eorum,Qui in hac villa habitabant.Et eorum qui pro patria pugnaverunt,Ut libertatem nostram defenderent. Porta rubra et vexillum ROC,Sunt signa spei et futuri.Nos meminimus praeteriti,Et ad futurum progredimur. Red…

Tardius Devorabunt / Slowly eat up

Vagariter cibum luxuriansIn angusto taberna,Cor meum in mensa positum.Panis et crustum,Amicitia et risus,In umbra lente crescunt. Slowly, the nourishing light,Within the narrow tavern,My heart rests upon the table.Bread and pie,Friendship and laughter,Thrive in the gentle shade. Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)

Carmen de Vita et Renovatione Urbana / A Song of Life and Urban Renewal

Aedificium vetus, stat per decennia multa,Testis temporis, vitae, et fortunae.Vidit urbem crescere, et mutare, et crescere,Et nunc spectat ad renovationem urbis. Incolae aedificii, veniunt et abeunt,Unusquisque cum sua historia.Nati sunt, vixerunt, et mortui sunt in aedificio,Et nunc memorias suas relinquunt. Aedificium vetus, iam non est novum,Sed adhuc habet valorem et usum.Renovabitur, et fiet novum,Sed memoria…