Village romance

青梅竹馬譜笑語,小徑蜿蜒如絲縷,兩小無猜心頭好;牽情引意共甜蜜。 Innocent laughter echoes through childhood days,A winding path like a silken thread,Two hearts entwined in joyful ways,Sweetness of love their souls have spread. Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Fujifilm Nexia A200

A Tranquil Corner in the Village

Crimson gates embrace the light,Trees stand guard, day and night. Greenery flourishes, a vibrant sight,Windows like eyes, filled with insight. 朱門迎光,樹守護;綠意盎然,窗如目。 Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)

Bodhi trees dancing shades

陽光歡快舞動樹影,菩提低語過往傳奇。Sunlight frolics through the dancing shade,While the Bodhi tree whispers legends of the past. Hasselblad 501cm + Carl Zeiss Distagon 3.5/60 T* + Kodak Ektar 100

Path near home

In village nook, where houses line the lane,Sunlight and leaves, a tranquil afternoon refrain.Decades have passed, yet paths remain serene,As golden hour approaches, a radiant scene. 村中角落與巷底的房,陽光與綠葉的午後聲響,數十年路過的小徑清幽,和即將到來的黃金時光。 Hasselblad 501cm + Carl Zeiss Distagon 3.5/60 T* + Kodak Ektar 100

Fur on Roof

Atop the house, the leaves do lay,A furry coat in disarray.A verdant cloak of nature’s make,A leafy shawl, no tailor’s fake. The chimney’s hat, quite overgrown,With tendrils wild, the winds have blown.A green toupee, absurdly set,Upon the roof, a verdant net. The eaves are fringed with foliage lace,A fashion statement for the place.The gutters host…

Irrigation canal on special bridge

Upon this bridge of arched design,A waterway, by man defined,Carries life in liquid lines,Through verdant fields, it gently winds. A scarlet arch, so bold and bright,Stands against the green’s soft light,A conduit ‘twixt earth and sky,Where water flows, and dreams may lie. Beneath, the world in silence waits,For nourishment that life creates,This bridge, a lifeline…