Evening Floor

Amidst the dark, a golden hue,A dance of light, as dreams ensue.The floor, a canvas of the past,Where memories are cast and vast. Each patch and scar, a story bold,Of laughter shared and secrets told.The night’s caress, a tender hold,In this alley where tales unfold. Contax S2 + Carl Zeiss Planar 1.7/50 + Kodak Elite…

Roses & Chinese cabbage

Photos for download on Shutterstock & Pixta. Just click each links on image for the resource, thanks.Stocks on Image Coffee Lite: Click Here.

Traffic light, Taichung 2024

At the crossroads of choice, the lights do shine,Red, yellow, green — symbols in a line.Red halts the flow, a stern command to heed,A failed guard against ambition’s greedy seed. Yellow, a caution, a moment to slow,To ponder the path where the masses go.Green signals go, but not all is as it seems,A veil over…

Hongludi, Zhonghe, 2024

Upon the hills of Zhonghe Hongludi,Where temples stand, their incense rising high,Three pairs of eyes behold the city’s gleam,Each with a story, each with a dream. taken by Motorolla G9 power

25 years from Dial-Up to Gigabit: A Ballad of Bandwidth

In days of yore, when modems screeched and groaned,And dial-up’s pace was painfully slow,We’d wait for images to load, bemoaned,As kilobits trickled, to and fro. Fifty-six Kbps, a meager stream,Yet it opened worlds, once vast and far,Email and chat, a digital dream,Though downloads crawled, like snails in tar. DSL and cable, a quantum leap,Megabytes surged,…

A Rural Idyll

Amidst the verdant fields, where crops sway tall,A humble house, with rustic charm, stands small.Nestled ‘neath trees, their branches reaching high,A symphony of nature, ‘neath the azure sky. The road, a ribbon, cuts through verdant land,Connecting lives, with an invisible hand.Vehicles traverse, with measured, gentle pace,Respecting nature’s tranquil, verdant space. Man and nature, in harmony…