Autumn cat

Free and full of grace,Bring the season’s magic to this place. Olympus E-1 + ZD 3.5-4.5/40-150

After typhoon

After the typhoon, fallen petals drift like a scene from a dream.This sight envelops us, inviting us to feel both life’s fragility and its beauty. Olympus E-1 + Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2.8/135 T* (contax version)

Cat under mango tree

Beneath the sun’s warm gaze, a mango tree,Adorned with fruit, yet green, not ripe to be.A curious cat, with eyes of emerald gleam,Paces around, drawn by a distant dream. The mango’s skin, a canvas of vibrant hue,Unblemished, firm, yet holding secrets true.The cat’s desire, like flames that fiercely burn,Yearns for the taste, the sweetness it…

A pair or alone

Beneath the banyan’s ancient shade,Where sunlight filters, dappled, frayed,Two stray cats nap, in slumber deep,Embracing warmth, their dreams to keep. Their fur, a tapestry of gray,Their bodies curled in perfect play,A symphony of purrs and snores,A friendship nature gently pours. Upon a nearby bench of stone,Another feline lies alone,His eyes half-open, gaze afar,Reflecting life, both…

Whisper of an orange door

In the hush of another afternoon’s glow,An orange gate stands, a memory’s echo.Once opened wide, now firmly closed,A rural tale, in silence posed. The sun casts shadows, long and lean,On the rustic path, a tranquil scene.The house stands empty, the owner gone,Yet the gate remains, a legacy drawn. It whispers stories of laughter and tears,Of…

Taiwan Provincialis Government Emblemata

Olim in Zhongxing Novo Villano,Sedes erat provinciae gubernationis,Nunc ruinosa et deserta,Causa suspiriorum. Olim florens, nunc praeteritum,Olim splendida, nunc in pulverem redacta. Aedificia olim, nunc decolorata,Statuae olim, nunc pulvere obductae. Promissa olim, nunc dispersa,Idealia olim, nunc deleta. Zhongxing Novum Villanum,Olim sedes gubernationis provinciae Taiwani,Nunc ruinae, frangentes cor. Olympus E-500 + ZD 3.5-4.5/40-150