Peaceful ears of rice

Golden grains, bowed low,Sated and sweet.Sun-kissed, dew-drenched,A gentle caress.Fragrance of the earth,A tranquil scene.Nature’s grace,Eternal peace. 稻穗低垂,粒粒飽滿;微風輕拂、陽光雨露;徐徐芬芳、沁人心脾;感謝自然,穗穗平安。 Contax 137MA + Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 3.5/40-80 T* + Orwo Wolfen NC500

Village romance

青梅竹馬譜笑語,小徑蜿蜒如絲縷,兩小無猜心頭好;牽情引意共甜蜜。 Innocent laughter echoes through childhood days,A winding path like a silken thread,Two hearts entwined in joyful ways,Sweetness of love their souls have spread. Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Fujifilm Nexia A200

Green vitality

陽光穿透映活力,綠葉展如翡翠玉,花香鳥語盪林間,靜靜佇立盎生機。 Sunlight filters, life imbued,Emerald leaves, like jade renewed,Blossoms scent, birdsong fills the wood,Serene it stands, vigor untold. Olympus OM-D EM-5III + ZD 4.0-5.6/70-300 ED

Double moon festival

屋頂白球懸,月明在半天;何來幻真假?誰曰信眼前。 Atop the roof, a white orb hangs,The moon shines brightly in the sky;How to distinguish truth from illusion?Who can say what’s real before our eyes? Agfa Optima Sensor 335 + Kodak Gold 100 (expired)

A Tranquil Corner in the Village

Crimson gates embrace the light,Trees stand guard, day and night. Greenery flourishes, a vibrant sight,Windows like eyes, filled with insight. 朱門迎光,樹守護;綠意盎然,窗如目。 Konica Minolta Vectis S-100 +  4.5-6.3/25-150 + Kodak Advantix HD 200(expired)